Yellow Springs, Ohio – Part 1 – Street Photography by Alex Sablan
About Yellow Springs, Ohio
Yellow Springs, Ohio is a small village northeast of Dayton, Ohio. The town is a quaint place that is often visited by many residents of the Dayton, Ohio metropolitan area. Mostly known for its artsy feel and laid back atmosphere, it is great place to capture color, interesting people, and a great cup of coffee.
A little known fact about Yellow Springs is that was one of the last stops on the Underground Railroad. The village also offers up its own children’s playhouse, movie theater, and arts council.

Art by the Jafaworkz collective called Peeps in the Park : l-r Claire Bayraktaroglu, Talitha Greene, Sue Brezine and Michael Fleishman
I recently have come to find that many of the photos I had been taking, all center around one group of artists’ work in Yellow Springs, the Jafagirls. The have many installations in and around the village, form yarnbombing to Peeps in the Park.
The one to the left here on the side of the Village Artisans building, was done by the Jafaworkz collective. The one further down of the lion head beneath the window is called Gargoyle Lion by Jafagirl Nancy Mellon.
As you can see, there is an abundance of beautiful things to see in Yellow Springs.
About my Street Photography Style
I think there is four things that make an image pop:
- Color
- Light and Shadow
- Interaction
- Shape and Line
Any one of those done well can make a beautiful image, but if you can get all four, magic happens. I try to just sit back and watch everything. Usually I will find a spot where I want something to happen so I can make an interesting image. A pocket of light, a colorful store front, or a nice framed doorway seem to be what has drawn me to lately.
I hope you enjoyed these images, I will post more later. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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